- Power plant electrical consultancy.
- Relay setting co-ordination and fault level calculation.
- Testing and calibration of all types of Relays, Meters, CT’s,
PT’s Transformers Etc……
- Energy auditing works for all types of industries.
- Annual maintenance contracts for Sub-Stations and DGsets.
- Testing and Pre-commissioning Activities for all Electrical
- Hi-pot test for Cables and Bus Bars.
- Earth pit testing and reconditioning.
- Transformer oil Filtration and painting of transformer.
- Site Inspection
- Erection and Supervision.
- Loop Check
- Primary and Secondary Injection
- Survey work for Transmission Lines, Forest Area, Revenue
Lands, Total Station Survey, Drone Survey, Road Alignment Survey.
- Field Testing Of Transformer (Power, Generation &
Distribution), Switchgears, Cables, Relays, Meters,
Instrument Transformers Up to 400kv.
- Operation & Maintenance of Substations And Diesel
Erection and Supervision
Highly Reliable
Testing and calibration
Safety Guaranteed
Energy auditing works
Industry experts
AMC for Sub-Stations
Competitive prices
Survey work
100% Guarantee